Importance of conservation and protection of the environment

protection of the environment

The importance of conserving the environment lies in the very importance of the environment since we all live in it. Therefore, if we want to ensure our own survival and well-being, and that of other living beings, we must worry about their care and protection.

Currently, the studies and data collected by the scientific community are clear evidence of the deterioration that the environment has suffered, so reversing this situation has become essential. The first step is to understand and be aware of the problem. One of the most useful tools to raise awareness in environmental education can be imparted to the youngest in schools and the oldest through the media, in order to involve all human beings.

Understanding this last idea is also important since it is a common mistake to think that environmental conservation is the task of those people who have studied or are professionally engaged in this branch when, in reality, it is a task that concerns us. everybody. We all live on the same planet, Earth, and therefore it is everyone’s responsibility to take care of it.

How to take care of the environment – conservation and protection measures

Now that we know why it is important to take care of the environment and its importance for us and other living beings, we will talk about how to protect the environment and conserve it. Take note of the best ways to collaborate in caring for the environment:


Maintaining a responsible attitude when using appliances and household appliances, turning off those that are in disuse, as well as the automatic pilots, unplugging any device connected to the electrical network that we are not using, replacing conventional bulbs with fluorescent ones, and using natural resources such as energy from the sun, to take advantage of both its light and the heat it projects.

Saving water

As you well know, the river is made drop by drop. In this way, every drop we waste can be converted into liters at the end of the day and overwhelming quantities at the end of the month. By showering instead of filling the bathtub, reducing the capacity of our cisterns, avoiding letting the water run, and, ultimately, closing the tap in all those situations in which its use is not essential, we will be able to save our most precious resource.

Use of resources

This refers to the use of all the resources and materials that we have. We live in a society based on consumption, and on many occasions, we buy items and products that we do not really need.


This action is related to the previous one, since, through the correct segregation of waste, waste, and waste in the containers provided for each one of them, we can offer a new life to our garbage, thus guaranteeing the use of resources.