Five Best Free Internet Speed Test Apps

In the remote work era, reliable Wi-Fi is a must. From testing network performance to locating nearby connectivity, these are five of the best Wi-Fi apps to consider, or you can click here for more games to play if you already have a great internet speed.

Both a speedy and stable internet connection and a solid Wi-Fi network are crucial for households in the age of remote work and media streaming. Subpar performance could lead to dropped video calls and glitchy gameplay. There are several apps on the market to help people assess the wireless network in their homes or their favourite coffee shop. Without further ado, here are five of the best free solutions to test network performance, locate nearby connectivity and more.

Meteor Wi-Fi speed test

The Meteor Wi-Fi Speed Test app will perform a speedy network test and then list your download, upload and ping performance. The app also allows you to test anticipated performance for several specific apps including YouTube, Slack, Facetime, Google Maps, Netflix and more, including meilleur jeu casino app.

Speed test by Ookla

The Speedtest by Ookla is one of the more popular Wi-Fi test apps on the market with nearly 10,000 ratings on the App Store. Once downloaded, people can use the app to test network speed, streaming performance and more. The in-app hamburger provides access to past performance results listing previous download and upload speeds as well as information related to ping, jitter and packet loss.

FAST Speed Test

The FAST Speed Test is owned by Netflix. It’s available as an app or at The FAST Speed Test is ranked 3.9 out of five stars on Apple’s App Store and 4.4 stars on Google Play. Both the app and web versions have a minimalist interface, which is great for quickly determining your network speed without being bombarded by ads, but it lacks the advanced network testing feature offered by other speed test apps.

Internet Speed Test Speedcheck

The Internet Speed Test Speedcheck app features a speedy Wi-Fi speed test feature with a no-frills user interface. After the test, the results page will illustrate anticipated performance for email, browsing, gaming, streaming and video chat using a five-point rating system.

The app also makes it easy to peruse past speed tests to gauge performance history as usage and connectivity fluctuations over time. The bottom of the app includes a “Wi-Fi Finder” button, but you will need to install a separate app to use this feature. (Available on the App Store and Google Play.)

SpeedTest Master

The SpeedTest Master app performs a fast download and upload network test and displays this information as well as details related to jitter and packet loss. The app also features an extensive SpeedTest FAQ page in-app to help people boost their Wi-Fi signal and more. The tools feature also includes a Wi-Fi detector to locate nearby connectivity.